Traditionally, the diagnosis of autism has been based on the observation of behavior, and treatment focused primarily on alleviating challenging behaviors. However, there is a very real biomedical component to the disorder in which underlying medical issues often cause or contribute to autistic behavior. Some of the most common problems include gastrointestinal (GI) overgrowth of Candida and Clostridia, inability to detoxify environmental toxins, and development of food intolerances and/ or allergies. These physical and environmental factors limit the nutrients available to the brain and body, resulting in damage to cellular, metabolic, and central nervous system functionality.
Genetic susceptibility to autism may determine who develops this complex disorder, but nutrient deficiencies and food allergies strongly influence the severity of symptoms. Exposure to toxins and imbalanced microbial growth in the GI tract contribute to pathological responses to food. Yeast (most commonly, Candida), parasites, viruses, and bacteria, particularly Clostridia, all have the potential to act as pathogens. Eradicating harmful and often recurrent intestinal microbes and restoring proper intestinal flora balance is the best place to start so the body can begin to heal and detoxify itself. Eliminating IgG-reactive foods which can contribute to inflammation is an important part of healing the
IgG-mediated food sensitivities create problems because they stress the child’s immune system, compromisingdigestion and resulting in inflammation and increased behavioral issues. IgG food allergy testing can identify the specific antibody reactions not commonly tested by allergists. Eliminating offending foods strengthens the immune system and may help significantly reduce autistic symptoms and GI problems.
Our newly updated IgG Food MAP, now has revolutionary XMAP® immunofluorescent bead technology. It assesses sensitivity to a 190 foods including foods in common American, Asian, and Mediterranean diets. The added hemp marker speaks to the exponential increase in the number of people consuming it as a food source or as medical CBD. GPL’s xMAP® immunoassay with fluorescence readout has proven to be even more sensitive than ELISA tests. The IgG Food MAP detects all food antibodies with greater precision than ELISA tests thanks to the superior technology. This assay is also environmentally friendly, reducing plastic pollution.
Mycotoxins released from mold fungi are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. A majority of mycotoxin exposures are through food ingestion or airborne exposure from water-damaged buildings and homes. Studies are now coming out correlating the severity of symptoms from mycotoxin exposure with autism, perhaps due to common decreased detoxification abilities for those with autism. With our GPL-MycoTOX Profile, we can identify exposures to eleven common mycotoxins and make recommendations for detoxification treatments that have been effective.
Symptoms of autism are consistent with those of a mercury toxicity. Metal toxicity impacts cognition, language, immunity, and behavior. Identifying and eliminating metals such as lead, arsenic, aluminum, and mercury is an important steptoward recovery. Evidence shows that children with autism tend to have low levels of glutathione and cysteine, which are critical to the removal of toxic metals like mercury.